Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Ion Personal Genome Machine

Ion Personal Genome Machine

The Ion Personal Genome Machine while still only designed for research use at this time and “not intended for animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use” will be able to sequence DNA and has an IPod docking station. The Ion Personal Genome Machine can be used to explore a genome…

Bribes For Visas At German Embassies

Bribes For Visas At German Embassies

Reported in the New York Times on Monday, public prosecutors in Berlin are investigating allegations that staff in some German embassies took bribes in exchange for issuing visas. According the the Foreign Ministry local staff in German embassies in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa have issued visas in…

Has Amelia Erhart’s Remains Been Found?

Has Amelia Erhart’s Remains Been Found

Three bones found on Nikumaroro Island a remote island in the South Pacific by a group that recovers historic aircraft might prove to be those of Amelia Erhart.  The DNA from the bone fragments will be compared to samples donated by an anonymous member of Earhart’s family. Researchers at the University…

Learning Begins At Home

Learning Begins At Home

By Alvaro Castillo Learning begins in the home.  The most important lessons are learned at home and parents are the first teachers. Children learn about their world and how to be a good person starting the day they are born. A child’s sense of self comes from how their parents…

Co-Parenting & The Holidays

Co-Parenting & The Holidays

By Alvaro Castillo Holidays are traditionally depicted as a special time of the year for families. They are suppose to be a time together. When a divorce or separation occurs, many parents and children find themselves feeling confused, disappointed, conflicted, angry and frustrated. During this time of the year, it…

DNA Testing: How Successful Is DNA Extraction From Non-Standard Samples?

How Successful Is DNA Extraction From Non-Standard Samples

Success Rates for DNA Extraction from Non-Standard Samples In my previous post, we looked at some of the more common types non-standard samples used to obtain DNA from an individual for DNA testing purposes. In this article we will look at DNA how successful a laboratory can be extracting DNA profiles from the various types of…