Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Decoding the Chocolate Genome

Decoding the Chocolate Genome

Over the years scientists have painstakingly mapped the DNA genome of humans, corn, turkeys and now chocolate. A researchers funded by McLean Candy Company (Mars) is almost done sequencing the genome of the cacao tree, which produces the seeds used to make cocoa. Researchers are hoping that the information will…

Skinner v. Switzer

Skinner v. Switzer

Among the cases that will be heard by the US Supreme Court this season is one from a Texas death row inmate claiming that he is innocent.  Arguments on this case are scheduled to be heard on October 13th. Henry Skinner who was convicted of of the New Year’s Eve 1993 killings…

Neandertal Genome Sequenced!

Using samples of powder bone from three separate Neanderthal bones, a global team of scientists which includes Svante Pääbo, Richard E. Green, and Hernán Burbano has sequenced the Neanderthal genome.  The team compared the Neanderthal genome with the genomes of five present-day humans, and uncovered a variety of genes that…