Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Scientists Decode Most Of Cat’s DNA

Scientists Decode Most Of Cat’s DNA

NEW YORK — An Abyssinian cat from Missouri, named Cinnamon, has just made scientific history. Researchers have largely decoded her DNA, a step that may aid the search for treatments for both feline and human diseases.The report adds cats to the roughly two dozen mammals whose DNA has been unraveled,…

DNA Identifies Korean War Veteran from Kentucky

DNA Identifies Korean War Veteran from Kentucky

The remains of Army Sgt. Charles Patterson Whitler, found in North Korea and identified through family DNA samples, was interred with full military honors at his hometown of Cloverport in Breckinridge County near Elizabethtown, Kentucky this summer. Whitler a member of 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, was…